Birth Registration Certificate

Birth Registration Certificate can be issued for an MRP applicant or the Bangladeshi national having a Bangladeshi original passport but does not have Birth Certificate and intends to obtain one. In order to process Birth Registration Certificate from this High Commission, the following steps need to be followed:

  • A) Fee (non-refundable) : Euro 3.00.
  • B) Printed copy of the online application form (available at
  • C) Original Bangladeshi passport along with a photocopy thereof (page 1-5).
  • D) A recent passport size photograph.
  • E) While filling-up the online application form, PLEASE PUT THE PERMANENT ADDRESS IN BANGLADESH (Not foreign permanent address).
  • F) As for a child -
    • (i) his/her detailed Birth Certificate issued by the local authorities of the country of origin (where parents name and details are included); and
    • (ii) Original of the Bangladesh passports of both parents along with photocopy. However, if one of the parents only possess Bangladesh passport, in that case, such one parents Bangladesh passport will be sufficient.
    • (iii) Copy of the parents' Bangladeshi birth certificate
  • G) Receiving of application: The application is received at the counter between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm (Monday-Friday) and from 11:00 am -12:30 pm (Friday).
  • H) The processing time for Birth Certificate is 5-7 Working days
  • I) Delivery time: 2:30 pm-4:00 pm (Monday–Friday)